Kacey's Musical Preferences

Friday, December 31, 2010

To 2010... I bid thee Farwell

What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?
I ventured out on my own. To a new city, in a different state.

Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
No, I didn't. I am not going to may any new ones for
next year. I'm beginning to feel that I set myself up
for failure when I make them.

Did anyone close to you give birth?

Did anyone close to you die?
Yes... well we were once close.

What countries did you visit?
Sadly, none and that doesn't look like
it will change until 2013. 

What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?
Some more friends in my new town
A boyfriend

What dates from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
K2 travels to Hutchinson to see Selena Gomez... because my bestie
came all the way out here to see me!
Sneaky out to Old C's to see Cathy when I came to Greeley
for meet the firms cause I just miss her so much.
Halloween because I got to see all my friends.
The weekend Ashley and Chrissy came to visit me
because we got hit on by alot of drunk guys and I had
2 more friends come see me.
Graduation... need I say more?

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Graduating College.
Starting my "Big Kid" job.
Losing 33 pound in 2010.
Getting Healthier
Passing 3/4 CPA exam parts in 2010.

What was your biggest failure?
Not passing all 4 parts of the CPA exam in 2010.

Did you suffer illness or injury?
Other than common colds, I was healthy

What was the best thing you bought?
My Selena Gomez Tickets.
Gas to Drive to CO to see all my friends

Whose behavior merited celebration?
My friends, all of them.
Because without their love, courage, and hope
I may not have survived on my own.

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Um, pretty much Celebrities.

Where did most of your money go?
Paying bills
Buying Furniture
and Plane Tickets. 
(The last 2... so worth it)
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Seeing Kat!
Seeing Cathy!
Passing BEC, FAR, and REG!
Starting a new Job!
Going home for Turkey Day and X-mas!
My mom's and I's possible Birthday plans!

What song will always remind you of 2010?
"A Year Without Rain"

Compared to this time last year, are you...
more prepared to face a new year.
What do you wish you’d done more of?
Eating Healthy
Being wild and crazy during my last semester of college
What do you wish you’d done less of?
Sitting on my bum!
Keeping a friend around who didn't deserve my friendship

How did you spend Christmas?
With family.
Did you fall in love in 2010?
No, I have developed strong feelings for someone,
but it's not love.
What was your favorite TV program?
Um... NCIS, Hawaii 5-0, Psych,
White Collar, Covert Affairs, Criminal Minds,
TrueBlood, Nurse Jackie the list goes on n on n on

Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
BEIBER!!!!!! and sadly his song baby.. Has grown on me.
But is still not on my iPod.

What was the best book you read?
The Hunger Games series and I Am Number 4.

What was your greatest musical discovery?
Umm... all my music.
What did you want and get?
A new outlook on life.
What did you want and not get?
Love, from a significant other.
What was your favorite film of this year?
Easy A tied with True Grit.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I went shopping with my Mommy and had dinner with
my Daddy. Oh and I got thrown a surprise party
I didn't want with Cathy and Mari and then had a friend bitch to 
me on my birthday how she felt left out. 

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Traveling to more countries.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?
What ever looks good and feels comfortable

What kept you sane?
Friendships. New & old.

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Um.... Eric Saade. Yep from Sweden!
Oh and those boys from JLS from England!

What political issue stirred you the most?

Who did you miss?
All my far far away friends.

Who was the best new person you met?
All of them, but seriously Jayde! She has
incredible musical taste and is such a sweet gal.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010:
Life is always unpredictable but friends and family
are there to help you survive the unknown.

What are you looking forward to in 2011?
To everything that life has to throw at me.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
To my friends-
"All Over The World"

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sensational Sunday: A week in Review!

'Ello Cupcakes!
This has been one busy and good week!
I'm going to recap it since I never got to blog about the whole week!

I took my last section of the CPA exam today! Regulation Woot Woot!
Now, it's pure anxiety waiting for the results of Audit and Financial!
Afterwords, I meet up with an old friend and chatted for a couple of hours.
It was nice just to catch up!
Then I had dinner with my friend who just got back from Peru!
Excellent test day over all!
I did nothing and it was great!
I hung out with my "Cousin" all day and all we did was watch TV.
It was a great great day!


My cousin and some of her friends and I went to Water World.
I was kinda bummed that we didn't go for the whole day, but it was a ton of fun!
Also NASBA starting releasing CPA exam scores. So now the anxiety is lessened.
After Water World, I had delicious food from the Cheese Cake Factory and 
went bowling!

One again, I did absolutely nothing!
It was great!
I had dinner with my mommy!

I just lounged around the house all day!
Had Pizza with my mom and dad!
Another Nothing day!
Ha ha ha I loved my week of nothing!
It was the first time this summer that I have spent a week
not studying or working!
Also Audit scores were released today so I can see if I Passed/Failed...
in 24-48 business hours.

Went through clothes once again!
Made the ultimate decision on what to keep and what to throw away!
Went to Greality to have dinner with my Little for her day o' birth!

Had lunch with the one of my besties!
Went shoe shopping-spent way to much money!
Got a cute cardigan from Express and some tanks from NY & Co.

Then I had the most EPIC date with Cathy and her hubby Cody!
It was so nice to spend the evening with them! They are the best!

Also loved my twitter convo with OnxyHikari
because it was EPIC to the x-treme!

Also missing Kat hard core!
I can't wait to see her pretty face!

Well that has been my week. Pretty relaxing and not so crazy!

This upcoming week, however, is a different story.
One I'm going to avoid!

How was your week cupcakes! I hope it was relaxing and stress free!

Take care my darlings!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Give me a T, "T"; give me an O, "O"; give me a DAY, "DAY"; What's that spell? TODAY!!!!!

Guess what?

I'm all done taking the sections of the CPA exam!
Now just have to wait for the results!
But now I can finally have some well deserved R & R!!!
Song of the Day:Hunters & Collectors: Holy Grail
Recommended by this sweet gal: Jayde

That is all my darlings! I was so just excited that I am done taking tests!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Patience has been tested for far to long....


Hello doll faces,
Sorry I needed to get the scream out of my system cause


Like I said in my last post,
I take my last section of the CPA exam
Actually taking REGULATION is only like 10% of my stress.

My patience has been tried and tested for far too long.
You may be asking yourself, what am I patiently waiting on?
Well about another 40% of my stress is coming from
NOT and I mean NOT
finding out if I passed or failed Audit and Financial.
The suspense is slowly killing, annoying me.
I get it that it takes a while for the exams to get scored and all,
but waiting a MONTH and a HALF seems redic to me.
Thankfully results are supposed to be released this coming week,
so I will either be celebrating or drowning my sorrows.

Unfortunately, another 25% of my stress is coming from the big
M word.

Yep, moving! Oh the joys right?!?!
Well it's stressing me out cause I'm furniture shopping for brand new stuff.
I don't know what I want or need.
Plus I already have too much stuff that I took home with me from college,
that once again I'm going to go through to decide if I really need it with me or not.

Another 15% of my stress comes from the fact that it is August 15,
and I have NOT had a summer at all.
I have spent every single day since I graduated college....
either studying or working and most days both.
I thought that this last summer would be the best
cause it's the time to have fun before the official BIG KID JOB..


Lastly, the last 10% of my stress is just coming from LIFE in general
and all the curve balls it just wants to throw at me.
Yep, just grand.

Although, my massage yesterday did help a whole lot!
It totally relaxed me and put me in a zombie like state which I totally needed.

On a much more non venting note,
Today has been a grand day. I have done absolutely nothing,
which I totally needed.

Have A GRAND DAY Doll Faces!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Random, er the thoughts bouncing around in my head.

Hello darlings,
So I totally fail, er suck at blogging. I always have all these
thoughts bouncing around in my mind and I just never have the time to
write them down. Oh yeah, it's all that darn studying I've been doing.

I'm so super excited to take my last section of the CPA exam

I'm so stoked about it because I have been studying like CRAZY
trying to prepare for all the sections. It will just be nice to know that
come MONDAY, all that hard work has paid off....
At least till I find out the results of the exam... and that's another story.


I'm only days away from moving, which
I know, I know, I know
is hard for a lot of my best friends and friends in general.

No Lies here... it's super hard for me.
Never did I imagine that I would be more than 10
minutes away from my Hannah (Cathy) or my Demi (Kat).
Let alone, miss Onxy Hikari who has become
one awesome friend via Twitter.

But I am kind of excited to start a new chapter in my life
and nervous as hell. Thank goodness it's only 5 hours from CO
so I'm not too far away.

If you follow me on twitter, you would have recently seen this tweet.

The last thing on my mind... is how to tell my "Cousin" that I would
just like one date to be just the two of us.
I love that she has friends that she hangs out with in our hometown,
don't get me wrong, but every time we ever makes plans
there is always a 3rd person and I FEEL like the THIRD wheel.

I know I need to tell her how I feel, but I have this problem
where what I'm thinking and what I'm saying don't agree at all.

So this was, er is a venting blog but I feel a lot better now!

On a totally amazing side note...
Jayde sends the most EPIC song recommendations EVER!

I'm so so so exited to add them to my music collection!

Also, JLS has become my new FAVORITE band.
I just can't get there songs out my head.

Haven't heard of them? Check out the song below!

JLS- One Shot

Do it! Cause you know it will make me happy :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Thursday and Friday's Happy Thoughts.....

So I was totally going to post this yesterday, however studying for my Financial section of the CPA exam kinda stole my mind. I wanted to let KatOfDiamonds know that I was sending her tons of Happy Thoughts on Thursday June 15, 2010. And It seemed to work. But I really wish she knew yesterday that I was sending her happy thoughts. I guess one day late isn't too bad.

Friday's Happy Thoughts go to #TheApocalypseofAwesome. That is all. They know who they are!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Why waiting for results....

can be torturesome and very beneficial at the same time. I recently found out on June 25, 2010 that I passed my first section of the CPA exam. I was so excited that I had passed even though it took an entire month to get the results back. I just recently took Audit July 7, 2010 and I'm told that testing in the first month of the testing window takes even longer.

On a different side note,
I have decided that today I am going to start sending happy thoughts to all of my nearest and dearest friends. I am enternally blessed for all the amazing stuff that has happened in my life, and now it's turn for my friends to have the same fortune. So today my happy thoughts are directed towards the Hannah to my Montana, my bestie Cathy! I sending her lots of TLC and extremely happy thoughts her way. I love you dear.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

4 years, 8 sememsters, 42 classes, 126 credit hours later and I.....

finish my college career? Say what?

Yep. I started this post May 5. I never got around to finishing it. That's just how crazy I feel like my life gets.
As of May, 8 2010 I am an official graduate of the University of Northern Colorado. I spent the past 4 years earning a bachelors degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting. Yep that's right, you read it accounting! I always thought that the summer after I graduated college would be a blast. I'd be able to relax and hang out with friends and have a lot of fun, until I start my Big Kid Job in September. Oh, but little did I realize... I was still going to be studying. You see, as of May 2010 I have begun studying for the CPA exam. It's an uniform exam that all accounting majors take if they want to become a Certified Public Accountant. The exam is a lot more intense and rigorous than I was ever planning and soon it began to take over my summer and my life, which helps contribute to my lack of blogging. Honestly, let's face it! I suck at blogging.

May 28th I took the first section of the exam Business Environment Concepts (BEC) and I'm patiently waiting to find out the results. I'm now prepping for Audit, July 7th. Financial July 31. Regulation, Aug 16. Hoping to pass all the sections before I move to Garden City, KS.

So as you can see my life is still as busy as it was back when I started this blog. I finally felt it was time for an update.
I'm proud that I graduated college in 4 years and hope I can excel on the CPA exam. I know that this may not be exciting for anyone to read, but my thoughts are just that.

Back to studying for AUDIT! :)

Hopefully I can update this sooner rather than later.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hi My Name is Kacey......

and I am addicted to:
1.) Guys that have an accent
2.) The Disney Channel
3.) Music... especially the Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, The Summer Set, Måns Zelmerlöw, Ola Svennson, Danny Saucedo, The Academy Is, Queen, Boston, Yes, Foreigner and many more
4.) Criminal Shows such as Criminal Minds, CSI, CSI NY, CSI Miami, NCIS, White Collar, Pysch... I think you get the picture :)
5.) Diet Pepsi! I love it! :)
6.) Vampires Series: The Twilight Saga, The Sookie Stackhouse Series, The House of Night Series... and hopefully some more
7.) Reading books by artists such as Sue Grafton, Danielle Steele, Mary Higgins Clark, and of course John Grisham
8.) Movies! I love all kinds of movies!
9.) Hanging out with my best friends!
10.) Baking! I love to bake cookies, cakes, cupcakes, rice krispy treats and many more.

I am horrible at:
1.) Daily Blogging
2.) Updating my twitter constantly
3.) Answering my phone
4.) Keeping things neat and tidy
5.) Checking all my social network sites and emails

I am:
1.) A daughter
2.) A sister
3.) A friend
4.) A student
5.) A homebody :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Goals, New Year, Bring on 2010

It is now Jan 6 and I have spent the past 6 days thinking about what I would like to change for 2010. I can't wait to see what 2010 will bring. Without out further delay... here are my goals for 2010.

One: Go to Church every Sunday
Back in Cheyenne, I used to attend church every Sunday with my parents.
While I am not a fan of the bright and early mornings, I loved how I felt
after attending mass. So I am going to try to attend church every Sunday
at the St. Mary's church here in my college town.

Two: Lose the weight
I would like to lose weight by the time that I graduate college.
I have a goal set in mind and I am going to work really hard to achieve it.

Three: Eat Healthier and Exercise more.
In addition to losing the weight, I want to be a healthier person all around.
I want to eat healthier by cutting out fast food and only dining out for
special occasions. I also want to spend at least 30 mins to 1 hr and 30 minutes
working out each day. I used to dance in high school 2 and 3 nights a week for
at least 2 hours and I loved the feeling. I want to start exercising more and
maybe start dancing again.
Four: Help out in my Community
I like the feeling knowing that you've done something to help out your community.
I want to spend more of my free time helping out my college community. Not for
sorority purposes, but for my own benefit.
Five: Enjoy my last semester of College.
This is my last semester in college and I want to have the best time ever!
I want to smile more and complain less. I want to get good grades and spend
quality time with my friends! I just want to have fun and enjoy myself.
Six: Take a post-grad trip to Europe.
I went to Europe between my Sophomore and Junior year of college and I had
an amazing time. It was such a fun trip, for a class. I want to go back to Europe
with some close friends and have a Europe trip full of memories that I'll never forget.
Seven: Go to Sweden and Get my Masters in Accounting
This is kind of a long term goal. I have been itching to study abroad. I figured it would
be easier to study abroad when achieving the next degree in school than while tryin
to complete my current accounting degree. I want to go to Sweden because it is
part of my heritage and a place I've been dying to go since I heard Danny in Poland.
To accomplish two dreams in one shot I want to complete my masters degree in Sweden.

I can't wait to see what 2010 holds for me and I hope to accomplish/keep these goals I have made for myself in 2010. I am ready to make this year my year and to live life to the fullest!

Take Care,
Kacey In the Sky With Amethyst.