Kacey's Musical Preferences

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Random, er the thoughts bouncing around in my head.

Hello darlings,
So I totally fail, er suck at blogging. I always have all these
thoughts bouncing around in my mind and I just never have the time to
write them down. Oh yeah, it's all that darn studying I've been doing.

I'm so super excited to take my last section of the CPA exam

I'm so stoked about it because I have been studying like CRAZY
trying to prepare for all the sections. It will just be nice to know that
come MONDAY, all that hard work has paid off....
At least till I find out the results of the exam... and that's another story.


I'm only days away from moving, which
I know, I know, I know
is hard for a lot of my best friends and friends in general.

No Lies here... it's super hard for me.
Never did I imagine that I would be more than 10
minutes away from my Hannah (Cathy) or my Demi (Kat).
Let alone, miss Onxy Hikari who has become
one awesome friend via Twitter.

But I am kind of excited to start a new chapter in my life
and nervous as hell. Thank goodness it's only 5 hours from CO
so I'm not too far away.

If you follow me on twitter, you would have recently seen this tweet.

The last thing on my mind... is how to tell my "Cousin" that I would
just like one date to be just the two of us.
I love that she has friends that she hangs out with in our hometown,
don't get me wrong, but every time we ever makes plans
there is always a 3rd person and I FEEL like the THIRD wheel.

I know I need to tell her how I feel, but I have this problem
where what I'm thinking and what I'm saying don't agree at all.

So this was, er is a venting blog but I feel a lot better now!

On a totally amazing side note...
Jayde sends the most EPIC song recommendations EVER!

I'm so so so exited to add them to my music collection!

Also, JLS has become my new FAVORITE band.
I just can't get there songs out my head.

Haven't heard of them? Check out the song below!

JLS- One Shot

Do it! Cause you know it will make me happy :)


OnyxHIikari said...

I would just like to say awww thankies, I'm glad we're getting to know each other as well. We'll have to set up a play date with Cat. LOL Also I love how you say "it's only 5 hours from CO" like that makes us feel better about bein left behind....J/K Starting a new chapter can be so exciting =) We're so happy for you and I know you ROCKED those tests like they were a Casbah! (^_^)d Don't fret my pet...